Saturday, February 12, 2011

Newest Games in 2011

It's true that some of the newest games in 2011 are going to out date your computer a lot, games such as Crysis are already more than most computers can take. The PC that I have which is severely outdated is coming to the end of it's life, it is more than 3 years old, it can hardly run games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare without crashing due to the High CPU usage. Most of the time the game freezes when there is a massive gun fight, suddenly it just freezes. These are just some of the symptoms of old PC's, some problems are from CPU, RAM, GPU(Graphics cards), and Mainboards(motherboards). Due to the new release of some of the games and new OS's most PC's now need to be updated every few months in order to be able to run these games and that's why you shouldn't wait a while before you upgrade.

Some sites that sell PC and PC parts can be bought from are:
I hope this post has been informative, and remember if your PC is freezing and crashing a lot, then its time to upgrade!


  1. PC gamig sucks man, you need to have a very very good PC to play the newest games. Can't buy a new PC everytime a game comes out

  2. I have a pretty good pc, but it doesn't handle newest pc games :(

  3. Great post man! Following and supporting! Keep up the sweet blog :)

  4. Damn this computer is only 1,5years old, quadcore, and outdated?????? FFFFFUUUU

  5. I certainly hope that my will run all new games without bigger problems
    we will see in a couple of months...

  6. I have a hard enough time playing City of Heroes without crashing (and that's a 7yo MMO!) I don't really do the PC FPS, FPS make me all dizzy and stuff.

  7. I was waiting for THE OLD REPUBLIC :D

  8. i wish i had a decent gaming PC :'( i just cant afford it!

  9. i need to play more games lol
